Sultry singer, songwriter, rapper, and actress Danielle
Black releases electrifying, in your face visuals for “Finished?.” With
her fierce and intense dominating being, Black addresses ‘Jadas’ (jealous
haters) who blame her for their steady downfall. Her deliverance of slick
lyrics and strong vocals are just a teaser attesting to her continual wins in
the industry. Whether she’s spitting bars or singing, Black is the complete
package Rah Rah Rah-ing all the way to the top while the others are Nah Nah Nah-ing
on the sidelines.
The video depicts Black’s versatility as an artist, a woman, as well as an unbreakable pillar. Black coupling with a sleek snake throughout the video symbolizes her re-birth with no elbow room to deter her growth. Watch “Finished?” and connect with Danielle Black below.