Layn – d.t.r.

Sultry voiced artist Layn drops sexy new EP ‘After Midnight’ 

ATLANTA, GA – Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for most people in the world over the past year, but up-and-coming Atlanta-based artist Layn has seen more changes than most other people.  

The former Navy helicopter technician finished her service last year and in the time since has moved twice, ended a toxic relationship, gotten married, had multiple jobs and is expecting her first child. And in the middle of all that, she put together a five-track EP that so perfectly showcases her sultry smooth vocals that already people in the industry are turning their heads and it hasn’t even been released yet. Slated to drop across all streaming platforms on July 16, “After Midnight” is the perfect kind of chill vibe to pair with the exploration of all the crazy that has happened in the world over the past year – told through the lens of her own personal up-and-down experiences.  

“My life turned around a lot last year – like a lot of other people – and a lot of crazy and important things happened,” she said. “This project is a nod to that place when you’re up past midnight because your brain won’t shut off and you’re just lying there thinking about what’s going on. I’ve been through a lot of things in my life, and I want to be relatable to people of all ages and demographics who have also been through tough situations. Hopefullymy music will help them to know they’re not alone. Music is a release for me, and I would want anyone who hears what I do to feel that same type of way.” 

Layn said the five tracks on the EP take listeners on a journey that goes in chronological order of her own experiences. It starts with the single “Lullaby,” which immediately shows off her rich R&B and soulful voice as she laments the loss of a long-time boyfriend while reconnecting with an old friend who could become more. She calls it her “last goodbye and coming back home” song.  

That’s followed by “Always U” which further explores the budding relationship with the old friend and the surprise she has at recognizing stronger feelings she’d been repressing for a long time. The slower, laid-back vibe of the song pairs perfectly with her sultry voice in ways that evoke the sexiness of a budding romantic relationship. As she comes to realize how she feels for this man, listeners can put themselves in her shoes and remember their own love stories. 

“Worst Way” is the third song on the EP and brings an appropriate level of energy as Layn infuses elements of Pop alongside the Hip Hop rhythms. Inspired by an argument she had with her former boyfriend, the energy of the song is bouncy and will invite anyone listening to get up and move. Then comes “D.T.R.” which uses a quasi-Reggae/Latin beat to bring the journey to the tipping point of Layn’s new relationship. Featuring her now husband Don as a rapper on the track, the song’s swag illustrates the sheer joy of finally discovering that perfect person in your life…  The beat was provided by “Philly P on Tha Trackk 

“I’m happy now,” she said. “Things are going really well. This guy who sat behind me in class in high school and gave me a note asking if I wanted his number is now my husband, even though we had moved on from each other and both moved around for the past eight years. The joy of finding each other again and knowing that this person – who has always been there through everything and always stayed connected with me – is the one person that I know will always be Down To Ride.” 

The final song on “After Midnight” is called “Free” and it brings listeners back to her sultry soulful sound with a fusion of her unique blend of R&B and Pop. Her journey has brought her to a place where she can finally feel free to be herself, and this song – which showcases her ability as a freestyle rapper – perfectly illustrates that. Her sultry voice intertwines perfectly with her aggressive rapid-fire flow in ways that will make listeners hit repeat time and time again. 

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To listen to Layn’s music or to follow her on social media, please visit: 

“After Midnight” – EP 

About The Author

About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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