Post: Here’s How To Stop Health From Sliding Off Your To-Do List

Image by Catherine Lavery: CC0 License

Whether you run a business or simply work a high-power position, the chances are that you’re always pushed for time. In fact, you’re so busy that if it isn’t on the to-do list, it doesn’t get done – period. Even some of the non-essentials on that to-do list get pushed to the side and ultimately forgotten in place of meetings, product development, and more. 

Unfortunately, while some of those things (walking the dog, watering the flowers) can slide now and again without repercussions, others aren’t quite so easy to omit. In particular, health and how we approach it is one of the things that we’re all guilty of neglecting. 

In some instances, we don’t add any fitness efforts to our to-do lists (also not good!) while in others, we simply find ourselves putting our health off for last minute meetings. In reality, though, given that your business/position rests on your shoulders alone, your body is way more important than that one client or sales call. Let this slide, and there won’t be a job at all!

With that in mind, keep reading to find out how you can firm up the place fitness holds on your daily schedule at long last.

Pen in an appointment

If you were just planning to go for a run whenever you got time, then it’s no surprise your fitness efforts never came to fruition. After all, there’s always something else to do, and you’ll likely knock that rough dream of going for a run on the head more often than you make it happen. Instead, booking official health-based appointments makes this a fixed calendar event rather than a maybe in your day. Whether you book in with a doctor of physical therapy or simply get yourself signed up for some classes at the gym, you can put a time and date on that activity at last. Then, you won’t be able to push it to the side without at least losing some money to help you learn your lesson!

Image by Karolina Grabowska

Have someone to hold you accountable

In theory, we should hold ourselves accountable for our health and fitness. After all, no one else can care about this as much as we do! Sadly, we’re terrible at taking responsibility and most definitely don’t hold ourselves accountable as we should. We’re far more likely, in fact, to get fitness in check if someone else is keeping an eye on our progress/admonishing us for our failures. Either ask someone to check that you’re staying on track or arrange for joint runs/workout sessions with a friend who you’re likely far more reluctant to disappoint. 

Consider health as a business matter

If there’s one language you speak well, it’s that of business. So, why not also make an effort to consider your health as a business issue? After all, like a well-running laptop, your health, in general, has a massive impact on how well your business runs. Whether it is researching  what do neurosurgeons do or scheduling in your appointments, have a business-like approach. Get this in check, and you’ll be able to ensure fewer sick days and a better business effort overall!

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