Post: How to Cope With Losing a Loved One

No matter who you are, you will experience grief in your life. This could be the death of a family member, close friend, or even a pet, and if you are unprepared for it, you may not know how to cope with it. Grief can lead to depression among other issues, so it is important to know the best ways to deal with it to ensure you can come to terms with the loss and honor their death the right way. 

While everyone is different and each situation is unique, there are several ways that you can come to terms with your grief so it does not consume your entire life. Of course, you are going to feel sad and it will mark a significant change in your life, but you can consider these tips to make the pain more manageable. 

Understand Your Feelings 

If you are unfamiliar with grief, you never know how it will impact you. Even if you do not react the way you expect at first, this does not mean it is how you feel all of the time. 

Whenever you encounter grief following the death of someone you care about, you must let yourself feel things so you can understand your emotions. You will be upset, confused, and even angry about what has happened, but rather than push these emotions down, you should allow them to crop up.

If not, you risk repressing the feelings for too long, which can cause them to rear their heads in ways you are unable to cope with easily. 

Speak to Someone Who Understands 

It’s easy to feel you are alone when going through grief, even if it is something that affects your whole family or friendship group. You don’t want to deal with these issues by yourself, though, so speaking to someone who understands can be hugely beneficial. 

Consider the benefits of support groups that contain people who have gone through similar things to you. Many people feel this approach, surrounded by strangers, to be more beneficial than bearing your soul to friends and family, which may make you feel too vulnerable or put pressure on them to support you. 

Your friends and family will be there to help you, too, so if support groups are not for you, speak to those closest to you instead. 

Find Your Way to Grieve 

Although everyone will experience grief at some point in life, everyone deals with this differently. You shouldn’t feel like you have to feel the same way as someone else, as this may not be the best way for you to cope and find acceptance. 

It can take time to identify which grieving method is right for you. Some people prefer to face the grief head-on, while others will let themselves slowly think about what happened so they can get a better understanding of the situation. 

Do Not Rely On Reckless Escapes 

Grief is stressful, and this often causes people to look for ways to escape their feelings and reality. However, this can cause significant problems, especially if drugs and alcohol are involved. 

Although these substances can provide an escape, it is only short-term, and continued dependency can contribute to mental and physical health issues. Rather than rely on potentially damaging escapes, look for escapes that can benefit you. This could include creative escapes like art, music, or writing, or you could seek mental clarity through exercise. 

Give Yourself Time Off 

A sudden death in your life can cause severe changes to your mood and your motivation. These changes will make it difficult to focus at work or school. So, if possible, you should try to take time off from work and other responsibilities to give yourself the time to realign yourself. 

The amount of time you need will vary depending on the person, and, ideally, your employer or teachers will be happy to give you as much time as you need. 

Some people will feel that time off is the last thing they need. They would prefer to dive further into their work or projects to distract themselves. This can also be effective, yet it also risks burnout and other issues that make for a dangerous cocktail when combined with your grief. 

Look After Yourself Physically 

It’s natural to lose your appetite, motivation, and joy for anything when experiencing grief. You might feel like you don’t want to eat, or you don’t have the energy to exercise or even enjoy the things that used to make you happy. For many, it feels like with this person gone, then what’s the point? 

But, this is a slippery slope that can impact your grief recovery. As difficult as it is, try to stick to what you love to do and make sure you don’t become a husk of your former self. 

The more you take care of yourself physically, the better you will be able to cope mentally, also. You don’t need to carry out your usual routine, but make sure you do the basics each day to keep some semblance of normalcy when nothing seems normal at all. 

Celebrate Them 

The person you lost wouldn’t want to see you struggling. They would want you to continue living your life and celebrate theirs. 

By celebrating their life, you can feel a connection to them, and this can be an excellent way to overcome your grief. There are many ways to celebrate someone, whether with a party, doing something you used to do together, or even carrying a piece of them with you at all times with Ash Jewelry that gives you a connection that will last forever, and might make you not feel so alone. 


There is no quick fix for dealing with grief. It is something that takes time and dedication to work through. It can take some time to find out what approach works best for you, but these ideas can give you some guidance on the best approach. It is unlikely that the pain will go away entirely; there will always be something that sparks a memory or conjures feelings that you experienced. The important thing is that you can cope with the experience healthily. 

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