Post: Why CPR Training is Worth Adding To Your Resume

Whether you’re looking to improve and increase your role in the workplace that you’re already in, or you’re looking to become a more valuable and hireable member of teams in the future, you might be thinking about what skills you can bring to your employer. Some skills are workplace or industry-dependent, making them a better fit for certain kinds of work than others, but some skills have universal applicability, that is the case with CPR. Here, we’re going to look at the benefits of adding CPR training to your resume and why it’s always a noteworthy addition for any employee to see when hiring you.

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The importance of CPR training

CPR, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a medical technique, primarily used as a form of emergency self aside, particularly for events such as a heart attack or a drowning incident that causes the heart to stop beating. When a person is in cardiac arrest, their heart is unable to keep their blood pumping around the body. It is essential to get their blood pumping again, to keep vital organs such as the lungs and the brain working. CPR is a technique designed to do precisely that, using chest compressions to imitate the pumping of the heart and return natural circulation to the body.

It may help you save a life

The single best reason to get CPR training is that it may, at some point in your life, help you save the life of another. Emergency first aid skills can offer someone the difference between life and death, especially if you have to wait until emergency services are able to arrive on the scene. Every second matters when it comes to an emergency situation, and even one person with the skills to help restore and prolong the natural circulation of blood around the body can end up saving a life. Even in the case where CPR is not enough to help someone, you can feel better about having made the attempt.

Fit a vital role in the first-aid preparations of a workplace

A lot of workplaces have specific first-aid plans and goals that they want to create or meet. This can include things like having the right first-aid supplies in key places in the workplace, as well as having an approach to dealing with all manner of workplace incidents. These plans can often involve the use of CPR or at least the necessity to have a CPR-certified member of staff on board, and having National CPR training can help you play a key role in their first-aid goals. Yes, National CPR Foundation is legit and can give you the certification necessary to be a key part of workplace CPR plans. As such, it’s worth working to make sure that your training is up to date, as well.

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It shows that you are proactive in your qualifications

The first-aid plans mentioned above are required by law in many workplaces, and as such, it’s not unlikely that employers may want to invest in training members of their teams to meet their regulatory requirements. However, taking the time to seek out and get that training yourself can highlight you as a team player, a very attractive quality for a lot of employers. Furthermore, it shows that you’re willing to take the initiative to find the training and skills that can make you of greater benefit to the workplace that you are a part of, without having to wait for an authority to tell you to do it.

It is a highly transferable skill

If you’re looking to make a career change at some point in your life, then you may well take the time to look at the skills that you already have, and what skills you might need to be of more use in that new career. When it comes to CPR, you don’t have to make any changes, it is a highly transferable skill. In fact, in practically any workplace that has multiple people on-site or in the office at any given time, CPR is always going to be a relevant skill. As such, you can take it to any interview with you and it’s going to be marked as a positive in your favor.

It helps build confidence

One of the best reasons to get professional training, of any kind at all really, is that it helps you become a more competent and skilled individual in the workplace. Aside from the practical benefits of this fact, you should also consider that in the course of becoming more competent, you’re likely to become more confident, as well. Not only can this help you take action in emergency situations that might demand your skills, but it can help you be a more decisive and action-oriented person in your career, as well. With confidence, you’re more likely to take the opportunities to prove yourself and further your career, as well as to play a valuable and active role in the teams you join.

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There are careers that require it

As mentioned, CPR skills can be valuable in almost any setting. However, if you want to go even further, there are jobs that require all applicants to bring CPR training and certification with them. Of course, many of these jobs are those involving medical healthcare as a primary responsibility of the worker, such as medical office personnel, lifeguards, and first responders, but there are plenty of careers that require CPR that you might not expect. This includes personal trainers, childcare providers, park rangers, pharmacists, security personnel, flight attendants, and even electricians. You should take a look at whether the job that you want might actually require you to have the CPR training that can prove so vital in those emergency situations.

CPR, like any skill, isn’t guaranteed to help you land the job, but there is no denying that it is a highly sought-after skill across a range of workplaces. It also has use outside of the workplace, so consider making it a part of your future development and training plans.

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