UpRite Lions – Rosetta Stone

Bouncy smooth new single from Uprite Lions offers new perspective on hard times 

LAS VEGAS, NV – Everyone in the world is looking for a Rosetta Stone for something in their lives. The historic artifact was integral in helping decipher multiple old languages and as such, it cleared the confusion away for centuries of unknown knowledge. That symbology for understanding is the metaphor upon which Las Vegas duo Uprite Lions presents their new song “Rosetta Stone.”  

With an R&B and Soul vibe that fuse Hip Hop beats in ways that are simultaneously bouncy and smooth, this duo of brothers brings a nice groovy slow jam to the summer of 2020 in collaboration with fellow artist Pace Brown. They often refer to their Dragon Ball Z-like fusion as “PURL.” Artists B-Star and Shef Seeyna bring yet another quality track after years of excellence in the industry. The harmonized vocals from Brown and Shef create a smooth intro to the song before making way to the grave rapping of Shef’s voice that immediately makes the listener sit up and pay attention. By the time B-Star comes in with his bars, the song has taken on a deep overtone that slowly unpacks years of knowledge that the three artists offer to the world. 

“During these chaotic times, we have always wondered how people dealt with love and each other after dealing with the craziness of the world,” Shef said. “This song is about how you deal with your love life while this stuff is going on around you. In essence, the Rosetta Stone is understanding, and this song is about understanding the depth of relationships – whether they’re romantic or platonic.” 

“We’re all looking for our own Rosetta Stone which is basically an understanding of what’s going on in your life,” B-Star said. 

The Uprite Lions were originally formed in 2007 in Greensboro, North Carolina. B-Star and Shef were solo artists and brothers on the same Indie label. After combining forces, they built a brand, sound and lifestyle that could only be described as Live Action Soul Reaction. They quickly made a name for themselves along the East Coast and South with their high energy performances and captivating music. That momentum eventually encouraged them to move to Las Vegas – the entertainment capital of the world – where they began to experiment with their sound and fuse Hip Hop with Dancehall, Reggae, Soul, EDM, and even at times Opera. Their sound had become something truly original.  

“We create live-action, feel-good music,” Shef said. “Even if it’s not your type of music, you can’t say it’s not good. It’s music that encourages you to do you. It doesn’t take someone else to do you. We should all shine together to make a bright light, and that’s what our music is about. If the truth is cliché, we’re running with it. If you can feel a thing, you can begin to vibrate on the same frequency and our music is an extension of who we are.” 

That signature sound and style is put on full display with the video for “Rosetta Stone.” The sci-fi, parallel-universe-shifting, quantum leap-ish inspired video is a visual showcase that will make music lovers and fans of film hitting repeat time and time again. Created in part by ValenteFilms and Mike LaPutt, the video is slated to drop on YouTube on Aug. 21 – the same day the single is scheduled to release across all streaming platforms. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrEpDkSqQNI]

To listen to Uprite Lions’ music, or to follow them on social media, please visit: 


“Rosetta Stone” 


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