Mike Trampe is a social media extraordinaire; known for working with some of the biggest hip hop sites out. Before I get into all that he does, I gotta tell you how we “met”.
Thanks to some dummy that didn’t know how to BCC when he sent a blog submission out, Mike took the travesty and turned it into what we now know as HHBU (Hip Hop Bloggers United); a group of bloggers on Facebook I’m proud to be apart of.
Anywho, Mike is the CEO of MAAD Management, LLC, and handles social media and online Marketing for HipHopDX, DJ Booth, datPiff, Hip Hop Early, 47 Brand, Rich Gang Apparel, Battle Rap, TDE, Beat Stars, One Shot Reality Show, and SMH Records. Follow him on Twitter at @MikeTrampeTV and tune in today to see what he has to say about the featured posts!
Holy moley this is good!