Movie Monroe – LO LIFE

Movie Monroe is an American rapper, singer and songwriter from Buffalo, NY.

Monroe was born on November 4, 1991 in Buffalo, NY. His parents divorcing while he was young. His mother was a local librarian while his father struggled to hold down a job. Monroe gained his love for music through his father, who was a singer in several bands across the Buffalo region. His father passed away while Monroe was just 12 years old. After struggling with depression, Monroe focused his passions away from music.

While Monroe was attending Niagara County Community College, he was kicked out of his home. He decided to drop out and focus on making money. Working numerous jobs, and moving from apartment to apartment. Monroe would eventually land a factory job which prompted his move to Las Vegas, NV in 2014.

Monroe began creating music in 2017, where he would develop his unique style. By 2018, he released in debut mixtape “LO LIFE.” A term he coined as his life in Buffalo and being perceived as a low life.

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Monroe states his musical influences as being genre-wide going from rock music to rap music. Monroe stated that his biggest influences are The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Frank Ocean, Amy Winehouse, Nas, The Game and Nirvana. Also, stating that “almost every rapper has inspired him one way or another.” He has a tattoo of Muhammad Ali on his arm, who he stated as “his biggest influence period.” Monroe’s music is branded as “hip-hop” and “trap.” With traces of west coast “gangsta rap,” and new school “emo rap.” His sound “mysteriously vibey” yet “diabolically catchy.”

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