Ten Ways To Make Your Weight Loss Journey Successful

Are you embarking on a weight loss journey? If you’ve recently started to manage your eating habits, there are several different ways you can support your weight loss. From certain supplements to managing your mental health, there are additional steps you can take to embed those healthy eating habits.

This article will examine ten things you can do to support your weight loss journey and create healthy habits that stick.

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1. Lose Weight With Semaglutide

Semaglutide is a weight-loss supplement that can help you lose weight with exercise and a healthy diet. They are taken as a pill derived from human growth hormone (hGH), which targets fat cells and helps the body break them down. Visit your doctor to see if you could use semaglutide as part of your weight loss journey. Individuals going through a weight loss journey may prefer taking semaglutide to traditional weight loss injections. All weight-loss supplements should be supported with lifestyle changes, including exercise and healthy food.

2. Evaluate Your Relationship With Food

An emotional relationship with food can lead us to eat unhealthy foodstuffs for comfort. We also turn to food as a way of celebrating significant life events and commiserating sad ones. Food naturally plays a significant role in our lives, and many people turn to food in times of stress or uncertainty.

Try to evaluate your relationship with food. What emotional triggers have you reaching for the sugary snacks? The more aware you are of your unhealthy food cues, the better placed you are to start replacing unhealthy habits with more positive ones. Try to be aware of the social situations, locations and people you’re around when you want to use food for comfort.

3. Be Prepared For When Things Get Busy

Our health can decline with a busy schedule, and being prepared can make a massive difference to whether your weight loss journey is successful. Batch cook healthy meals on the weekends and buy healthy snacks ahead of time for when things get busy. 

If you don’t have healthy things ready to snack on, you are more likely to order that takeaway or eat unhealthily. If you are too busy to cook, consider investing in microwave meals with nutritious food content to keep you on track.

4. Eat Mindfully

Mindful eating is the act of being present while you eat. It refers to focusing on your food’s textures, sensations and taste experience while you eat. Slowing down and eating mindfully can help you be more aware of your food and help you feel fuller. 

When you eat quickly, the body is tricked into thinking it hasn’t been nourished, making you more likely to reach for the sugary snacks. Eating mindfully can also lead you to enjoy your dining experience and create a healthier relationship with food. 

5. Get On Top Of Bad Habits

Bad habits can derail a well-planned weight loss journey. Think about how much more likely we are to eat a pizza after a night of drinking. Try to manage your bad habits to maintain a clear head and ensure that your weight loss isn’t impacted by a weak moment. Your willpower is finite, and the more you give in to bad habits, the more likely you will give up on healthy eating.

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6. Buy Smaller Plates

A large part of a successful weight loss journey is managing portion control. Buying smaller plates can help you manage portion control successfully without having to measure every meal you cook carefully. Treat yourself to a shopping trip and buy plates that you like. If you buy cookware purely for the purpose of portion control, unless you like your purchase, you might be less likely to use them.

7. Set Up A Regular Exercise Habit

Regular exercise is an essential part of managing weight loss. You can do this by starting small and building in regular daily routines throughout the week. You might spend 15 minutes lifting weights every morning. The key to setting up a regular exercise routine is making it manageable. Don’t overstretch yourself, and gradually build up the habit over time. 

8. Eat Filling & Nutritious Foods

Eating foods that fill you up will help you persevere with your weight loss journey. Consider eating nuts, oatmeal or avocado to fill you up. They have low-calorie content, they are healthy, and you can even snack on them throughout the day. Eating small portions of non-filling foods will have the opposite effect, leaving you hungry and more likely to reach for sugar.

9. Be Kind To Yourself

How many people derail their healthy eating plan after one unhealthy meal? Be kind to yourself as part of your weight-loss journey, and acknowledge that you might eat some unhealthy items along the way. 

Giving yourself space to eat a few sugary snacks every now and then is also far more realistic than cutting them out entirely. Make your weight loss journey positive, and avoid punishing yourself for slips.

10. Tell Your Friends & Family

Be open with your family about your weight loss. It can help you get a support network together so people can encourage you when you’re finding it hard. It can also help manage social situations like eating out or eating around someone else’s house, especially if they know your weight loss journey and what you are trying to do.

Talking to people can also encourage others on their own weight loss journey. Setting up a support network can be a great way of finding people to start new exercise habits with, find a new hobby or even trial some of your food.

Final Thoughts

A successful weight loss journey can be supported by healthy habit-forming and assessing your relationship with food. You might want to use weight-loss pills alongside lifestyle changes, but speak to your doctor first. Help yourself feel full by eating nutritious and filling foods, buying smaller plates to manage portion control, and planning ahead to avoid derailing your weight loss when things get busy.

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