
R&D Ft INDICA – Livin

R&D, the self proclaimed “Dark Skin Romeo”, is a singer/rapper/songwriter out of Los Angeles, California. The LA wave maker began to pursue music while attending Loyola Marymount University’s College of Business Administration in Westchester. He would go on to receive his Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and pursue a full-time career as an artist in the music industry.

Since beginning his journey, R&D has released various mixtapes, singles, and music videos, as well as having performed at a number of popular LA venues including Los Globos, The Airliner, and The Roosevelt Hotel among others. R&D is grounded by his inherent belief in the power of musical/creative expression to spread hope, joy, and positivity around the world. Despite the ever-present pressures of today’s political and social climate, R&D believes a sound mind, love for one another, and good music have the ability to overcome all.

His new song, “Livin”, features INDICA and some braggadocios lyricism. R&D had this to say about the single:

Simply put, “Livin” is about doing the one thing everyone on earth was placed here to do: LIVE LIFE! I can remember a time when my world seemed so black and white. You do one thing, or you do another. You choose option A, or you choose option B.

In short, I existed solely at the extremes of life’s spectrums, neglecting the beauty and magnificence of residing in the gray (The area I believe all color to be found: This is why the title of the song “Livin” is written in rainbow letters on the cover). There are no rules in life. There is no set path to success. Everyone’s journey is unique, and everyone must overcome their own set of trials and tribulations. You just have to get it how you live!

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